Installomator Mate FAQ

Work in progress…


Installomator Mate requires that you run at least macOS 14.2 and that you create a Github token that allows you to read repositories. You will be guided when you start the app, and when you open the preferences.

Swift Dialog Command File

If you enter a path to your Swift Dialog Command file the app will automatically append the label as DIALOG_LIST_ITEM_NAME. Since you probably use the apps title as the item name in your Dialog configuration, you will have to edit this part manually – for now.

That means, if you want to install microsoftteamsnew and your dialog json looks like this:

{"title" : "Microsoft Teams", "icon" : "/path/to/teamsLogo.png", "status" : "waiting", "statustext" : "Waiting"}

you will need to change the output from:

/usr/local/Installomator/ microsoftteamsnew DEBUG=0 DIALOG_CMD_FILE=/var/tmp/dialog_enroll DIALOG_LIST_ITEM_NAME="microsoftteamsnew


/usr/local/Installomator/ microsoftteamsnew DEBUG=0 DIALOG_CMD_FILE=/var/tmp/dialog_enroll DIALOG_LIST_ITEM_NAME="Microsoft Teams"

I’m planning to extract the name property from the labels in a future release, but for now this workaround is necessary.